
The Local News Impact Map

Designed to revolutionize the way we understand and value local news.

Discover the power of local journalism

The Impact Tracking Map is a transformative tool that links compelling stories to real-world change in local communities.

Community Insights
Discover the impact in your neighborhood. See which journalists and publications are shaping your area, amplifying unheard voices, and driving change.
Publication Perspectives
Publications, track your influence. Identify journalists that are changing the game and understand the sectors where your impact resonates the most. Use these insights to inform future reporting and secure the support your publication deserves.
News Desert Identification
Identify areas lacking coverage. Our map pinpoints 'news deserts,' guiding philanthropic organizations and governments to allocate resources effectively, ensuring no community goes unheard.
Funding Impact
For journalism funders, gain concrete evidence of the projects you support. See the impact your funding has, enabling you to invest wisely and bolster impactful initiatives.

A Tool for Growth and Sustainability

The map provides a comprehensive view of the value of local journalism. It enables local newsrooms to present specific examples of how their journalism creates an impact in the communities they serve. This enhances their chances of receiving donations, securing institutional funding, attracting clients, and forming partnerships. This support is crucial for the sustainability and growth of local news organizations.


Free and open to all

For freelancers, staff journalists and publications

Freelancers, staff journalists and publications can now directly connect the impact of their articles by attaching evidence such as legal documents, testimonials, photos, videos, and links to external sources. This information is then displayed on the Impact Map, marked by pins at specific locations, allowing users to explore the impact made in their communities.


Adding impact is easy

Journalists can log impact against any of their articles in just a few minutes.

Log all types of impact.
We provide 8 standard types of impact such as economic, political and environment, as well as space for custom impact. You can also attach links, images and files to help support your impact.
Product screenshot

Coming soon

Features under development

We want this map to become an industry adopted tool and are building many more enhancements to allow for more use cases.

An Open API
Pull all of the impact into your own reporting system or app.
Additional Filters
Introduction of more filters such as published date, state and city.
Personalized Impact Views
Journalists and publications can share an already filtered view of the map to display their impact.
Get notified when impact is recorded in specific locations.

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